City of Miami
Miami, FL 33133
0 Jobs Available
About the Company
The City of Miami is undergoing a dramatic transformation. Economic prosperity and strong leadership have converged with natural appeal to bless the City with the greatest urban renaissance seen in its history. Since 2001, the City has witnessed a 10% increase in population. This surge is startling when contrasted with the 1% growth experienced in the 1990s and the 7% total seen from 1970-2000. Estimates suggest that by the end of this decade, Miamis population may expand by as much as 30%.
Miamis growth is due in part to the worldwide trend towards greater urbanization. By 2025, the United Nations projects that urban population growth will make up about 90 percent of the worlds population growth, and in the United States, in particular, 85 percent of the population will live in urban areas. These rates of urbanization are paralleled in cities and countries throughout the world.
Given the dramatic rate of urbanization, many cities struggle with managing their growth. It is becoming increasingly evident that growth made in haste and without sound planning will only lead to further problems. Transportation, abundant green spaces, land conservation and equal economic opportunity are just a few of the issues that can position a City as a place where people desire to live or, likewise, desire to avoid. For cities to sustain themselves for generations to come, growth must be acutely managed. It must be smart growth.
Miamis answer to the challenge of smart growth is Miami 21 a blueprint for the City of Miami of the 21st century and beyond. Miami 21 takes a holistic approach to land use and urban planning, broadening the scope of a traditional master plan to become a truly comprehensive plan. Miami 21 will provide a clear vision for the City that will be supported by specific guidelines and regulations so that future generations will reap the benefits of well-balanced neighborhoods and rich quality of life.
For more information on Miami 21, please visit the City website

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