Balance Sheet Manager

Burlingame, CA 94010
0 Jobs Available

About the Company

Balance Sheet Manager (BSM) helps banks change the size and make-up of their loan portfolios, a need all banks face at times. Adjustments to the loan portfolio can improve significantly the banks' asset diversification and ROE. If assets generated in a bank’s local markets are lower than expected, it may need to add assets from other sources. If a bank holds a high concentration of certain loans, it may need to sell some. Similarly, a bank may need to add loan of kinds different from those it owns, in order to diversify its portfolio, increase yields and reduce credit risk. BSM helps banks of all sizes buy and sell loans economically and promptly. We serve small, mid-sized and large bank buyers and sellers of loans nationwide. BSM and its alliance partners can facilitate virtually all key steps in loan sales. For example, we identify the needs of buyers and sellers, find appropriate counter parties, prepare term sheets, facilitate due diligence and resolve issues.
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