Quick Start Guide to Resume Search of our Proprietary Database

April 3, 2024 Read Time: 4 min
Our Proprietary Database is the Gold Standard for Real Estate Talent. Here, employers find the best selection of candidates, including members of the twelve premier Real Estate Professional Associations - all sectors, all functions, all levels of experience. 
  • Access our national database of over 300,000+ searchable resumes!
  • No geographic restrictions - full national access
  • Search by specific skills, real estate experience, and sector
  • No limit to the number of users

Start with Keyword(s) and Location
Start by entering, in quotation marks, the “job” you are looking to fill in the Keyword(s) search box. Then use the Location box to enter the “location” of the job - we recommend using the zipcode. Do not enter the location in the Keyword box unless you want to see if that location is anywhere in the resume. If you want to zoom in closer use Mile Radius. Starting with keyword and location will ensure you do not miss any qualified professionals, because some candidates do not opt to fill in their entire profile. 

Boolean Simply Uses 3 Symbols and 3 Words, Always Capitalized “Boolean” search differs from Google, Bing and other search engines we all use. Boolean search empowers recruiters to search by keywords and broaden or narrow their results according to their needs. “Boolean” is a simple language which uses just six operatives: 1) “ ” quotation marks symbol 2) the word AND in capitals 3) the word OR in capitals 4) the word NOT in capitals 5) ~ the tilde key symbol 6) ( ) parenthesis symbol 

NOTE: Searches including AND, OR, NOT must be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS: Here’s how to use these six simple operatives to quickly find the perfect resumes: 
    1. “”- Put quotation marks around each phrase you enter into keyword search. The system will search for the exact sequence of words surrounded by quotation marks. If you were to just enter: Property Manager, with no quotation marks around the phrase, the system would show you every resume that has either property or manager. Put quotation marks around “Property Manager” and every resume you see will include the phrase “Property Manager” not the individual words. For example: "Acquisitions Associate" – The results show the specific phrase, not the individual words.
    2. AND - Use AND to narrow your results. AND searches require that all of the terms you have listed are found in your results. AND decreases the number of resumes you view. For example: Analyst AND “Asset Management” – The results would be only those who have both “analyst” as well as “asset management” in their resume.
    3. OR – Use Or to broaden or increase your results. OR searches require that your results contain one of the terms being searched. Not every candidate uses the same terms to describe a job title or responsibilities. Using OR in a search gives your database the option to return resumes that contain any or all of the keywords listed – uncovering talent you may not have otherwise searched for. For example: “Property Manager” OR “Community Manager” – The results will present everyone who has either “Property Manager” or “Community Manager” in their resume.
    4. NOT – Not Searches means that a term or terms can be disqualified from your results. For example: Sales NOT Agent – The results would display those that have Sales” in their resume, excluding those that have Agent.
    5. ~ Searches - Use the tilde key ~ to search terms within a certain amount of words from each other to find the most relevant resumes. For example: “Property Manager” AND “Retail” ~ 50 will allow you to search for resumes with “Property Manager” and “Retail” within 50 words of each other.

Need to put your operatives together in a search?
  1. ( ) – Parenthesis can combine exact phrases with the Boolean operative’s AND,OR,NOT to construct a targeted search sometimes called a “Boolean String”. For example: ("Acquisitions Associate" AND "Investment Analyst" AND Fund) NOT (Hospitality OR Healthcare OR Government)
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